
Intertwining Music, Culture, and Spirituality

THE FADARA GROUP, LLC houses the work of its founder, Chief Ayanda Ifadara Clarke, educator, spiritual health counselor, creative content consultant, and GRAMMY Award-winning master percussionist. It is the parent organization for True To Our Native Land, Integrated Wealth Alliance (IWA), and AfroVitality: A Wellness Expo.

THE FADARA GROUP was most recently a co-producer of Syncing Ink,
the Off-Broadway hip hop theater production that premiered at the
Apollo's Victoria Theater in Harlem.

We invite you to join the email list and
follow @ChiefAyandaClarke on Facebook
and Instagram (DMs are open).

To inquire about any of the programs listed above or
to ask about a consultation, call 833.4FADARA (833.432.3272).
Media inquiries and select speaking engagement inquiries are
directed to info@thefadaragroup.com

Refreshed Website Coming Soon!

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